Friends & Family,
It's been a while since our last post, so here's an update. We are learning to live day by day and trying to find the good things to be thankful for with each day. Some days it is harder than others but we are putting one foot in front of the other.
Family-related news: At the end of August we spent a night over in Bend, OR. Noah wanted to see an MGMT concert (an alternative-rock band) so he, Keenan, Mark & I made a trip over the mountain. It was a nice little get-away. Mark & I were definitely among the oldest people in the crowd at the Les Schwab Amphitheater, but it was great to be able to share that with the boys. Noah was thrilled! Sunday morning we went to McMenamins at St. Francis School for brunch--this is the school I attended in the 4th-5th grade that has now been converted to a hotel, restaurant and theater. It was fun to show the boys around and point out my old classrooms. A bit of nostalgia. A great weekend to share together.
Keenan, Noah, Mark & Kelley at the MGMT concert in Bend. |
Becca & Keenan are expecting their baby this month--anytime! They are having a home birth so we will be able to see the baby very shortly after he or she is born. We are so excited about having a baby in the house and thrilled to be able to share in their lives as new parents.
School-related news: Mark was able to attend the "opening ceremonies" at Pratum School and also Silver Crest Elementary. Mark gave an inspiring message to the students, parents and teachers about kindness, thinking of others and striving to do your best. He was welcomed by swarms of students and teachers giving big hugs and kind words. Thanks to all of you who made him feel loved and appreciated. It was a good morning.
Medical-related news: Over the past month Mark had some new symptoms that were a bit concerning. In late August, he experienced a few days of severe nausea & vomiting, more headache pain than usual and had a few seizures. After reporting these symptoms to his medical team of doctors, they decided he should have an MRI. They also increased his steroid dose in an effort to decrease the symptoms. The increase in steroids had an almost immediate effect and his symptoms improved--no more nausea, seizures or headaches. Thank God for good medicine!
The results of the MRI are perplexing to the medical team. There is increased swelling in the brain. This is a normal process after radiation treatment. There are also areas of necrosis (dead tissue), again a normal process, and a good sign that the radiation worked to some extent. The doctors are just not sure if ALL of the increased swelling is due to the normal process of radiation treatment or related to new tumor growth. The next step now is to have a repeat MRI in about 3 weeks. This will give us a better picture of what's happening and we now have a recent MRI to compare new results with.
In the meantime, Mark is hanging in there. He is very tired and sleeps a lot. His doctor told him not to fight that--it is his body's way of telling him it needs repair and needs all the rest he can get. This is frustrating to him; he wants to be able to wake up and feel rested, but the fatigue hangs on and it wears on him. We are hoping that this is just a rough patch and he will regain some of that energy again soon. Please pray for energy and strength for Mark.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We feel your love for us and are grateful for the kindness of friends and family. Don't hesitate to send Mark and email of encouragement, a note in the mail or give him a call. He has a new smart phone and may answer if you call, but you can always call our home phone or my cell and if he's up to it, I'm sure he'd love to hear news about your lives and families.