Sunday, September 22, 2013

Medical Update

Dear Friends & Family,
We wanted to give you an update on Mark's current health and upcoming surgery. In mid-August Mark completed a series of 33 treatments of radiation and chemotherapy.  A follow-up MRI was scheduled for the week of September 2nd.  The week of August 26th, Mark developed some concerning symptoms (seizures and nausea/vomitting) and the oncologist, radiation oncologist and neurosurgeon were in agreement that an MRI should be performed as soon as possible to see if there were any new or significant changes that would explain the new onset of symptoms. 

The MRI showed significant swelling in the brain but also showed areas of necrosis (tissue death) in the tumor.  This was a good news/bad news situation.  The good news was that the radiation and chemotherapy had worked, at least in part, to have an effect on the tumor.  The doctors were concerned about the swelling however, and felt that something needed to be done to reduce the amount of edema and pressure in Mark's brain.  They recommended an increase in the amount of steroids and anti-seizure medication.  This had an immediate effect: the seizures stopped, the nausea and vomiting stopped, and Mark felt slightly more energy.

Despite these positive changes, Mark's oncologist wanted us to consult with the neurosurgeon about the possibility of surgery.  Dr. Soldevilla, the neurosurgeon, agreed that surgery would benefit Mark.  He believes that by taking out the dead tissue Mark will eventually feel better, will be able to decrease his use of steroids and will give the brain more room for swelling (an unfortunate side effect of having a brain tumor). 

So, Mark will be having surgery on October 2nd.  We anticipate he will be in the hospital for about a week.  We are confident that this is a step in the right direction.  We will keep you updated as he recovers.  For now, we are asking that you refrain from visiting Mark at the hospital.  It is essential that he get adequate rest and minimal outside stimulation.  Please text, email or call Kelley or Keenan if you'd like more information than this blog can provide.  We will be able to let you know when/if Mark is ready for visitors at the hospital.  Please feel free to post your words of encouragement here on this site as well.  We will be checking it frequently.  Your prayers for Mark's healing and comfort for our family are the best way to support us now. Thank you in advance for your love and care.
Mark and his boys: Tyler, Noah & Keenan


LaughingLoud said...

Love to you. We are praying. I'll text more. Mark, we took a trip down memory lane today on our way to Corvallis. We drove by your & my old apartments in Monmouth at the south end of town. Fun days!

Shawn and Katie Pool said...

We will keep praying, especially that the surgery goes smoothly and the doctors will remove as much dead tissue as possible. We really enjoyed facetime on the ipad with Mark Friday. It was encouraging to the silver crest staff to see his smiling face and be able to talk together.

What a great picture of your men, Kelley!