Monday, September 9, 2013

A tribute

I have had some dark days lately.  I firmly believe that the thoughts and prayers of many of you have been a help.  Thank-you.  I also am so blessed to have Kelley by my side.  She is doing so much more than feeding me and making sure I take my medicines.  She has been a true and understanding friend.  "Friend" really is an inadequate word.  I know that much of what I am experiencing is a normal part of this process/condition.  I know that in my head, but that doesn't mean I don't want to escape it!  The doctor says it's normal for a body going through trauma to want to just hunker down and rest, like a woof in a cave.  So I've been doing some hunkering, quite a bit actually.  It is so nice to not be alone in my hunkering, and Kelley has been right there with me the entire time with her soft, understanding words and compassion.  She reads me asleep either something inspiring or funny.  She listens to my sorrows and never tells me to just snap out of it, which is what I am telling myself.

It's been quite hard to not be back to school.  I am blessed to have Kelley during this time.  Please remember us both in your thoughts and prayers.  (By the way, Mark wrote this post!


Shawn and Katie Pool said...

Katie, the kids and I continue praying for you and your family. It was good having you at school the first day, and my class was so glad to see you. They may not have made that very clear to you when you dropped in, but they talked about your visit afterward. Hopefully the Apple tv will be up and running soon, and you will be able to have some more interaction with us.


Shawn and Katie Pool said...
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Anonymous said...

Holding you up to the Lord, Mark. Praying for sunnier days, strength and comfort. As hard as it must be, allow yourself permission to rest! Take care, my friend.
Gina Bochsler

Anonymous said...

Dear Reckers,
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Hunkering is a good and necessary thing, and difficult when it is so contrary to your human nature in this world.
There will be a time when hunkering and healing will be a thing of a distant past. perhaps a wispy memory of this world when we are hunker free and healed in the blinking of an eye...or in this world when a newborn grandchild has an opinion coming forth in a precious cry.
waiting to see a 3 generation photo on this blog,