Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rest and Recovery

Dear Friends & Family,

We've been home nearly a week now.  Mark is getting stronger every day.  Today we walked across town to the post office. . . our longest walk yet since before the surgery!  We have been trying to ease back into "normal" life.  We've had some visitors this week and it's been nice to connect with friends and family. 

We will check in with the surgeon next week. Decreasing the steroids will be the next step and will hopefully address Mark's ongoing depression and fatigue.  We would appreciate your prayers as Mark continues to recover and as we work together to create a new normal.  We are confident that God has good things in store for us. 

1 comment:

"Sunshine" said...

Mark and Kelley,
I can feel your joy of being able to walk, in the sunshine, to downtown Canby. What a special time it must have been and how freeing for Mark to take these small (big) steps, a milestone for both of you.
Sending you love, Ragna